Title: My Cartoon CF
Type: Animation
Year: 2015
Position: Pre-Production
Client: 博英社
Title: 生活萬事通 TV show title
Type: Animation
Year: 2015
Position: Animator, Designer
Client: 中天電視
Title: 小手掌廚 TV show title
Type: Animation
Year: 2015
Position: Animator
Client: 數據飛船 (with 公視)
2014 ASTD亞太區年會 勞動部
Title: Who's Labor 勞伯的明天
Type: Animation, Exhibition
Year: 2014
Position: Animator
Client: 數據飛船 (with 勞動部)
Title: 2014-DigiAsia Opening
Type: Animation
Year: 2014
Position: Animator, Designer
Client: 滾石
An 3D animation title made for the conference : 2014- DigiAsia, as paying respect to 2001 the space odyssey.
Title: Zuker 租客
Type: branding, web design
Year: 2014
Position: Animator, Designer
Client: 租客